How to copy a database from the Android app's protected storage to my computer?

Databases stored to the Android app's protected storage are stored to the app's internal storage exclusively. This means that those databases are not saved to the device's file system in general but they are only available inside the app. 

Using the Shared Folders area for saving your databases is no longer possible from version 15.1.0 onwards because it is against the latest Android policies. External applications can no longer access the Android device's file system, thus from version 15.1.0 onwards the Shared Folders area is no longer available in the Password Depot Android app.

In order to copy a database from the app's protected storage to your computer, please proceed as follows:

1. Open your database in the Android app's protected storage.

2. Then, at the top on the right, tap mceclip3.pngand select "Export". Your data will be exported into a separate XML file. You can save it to any folder which is available on your device. 

ATTENTION: You cannot access the XML file which contains the exported data through the Shared Folders area. However, you can connect your mobile device to your computer and select it in the Windows Explorer afterwards. Go to the same folder which you have used for saving the XML file. Copy the XML file to the directory C:\Users\<USERNAME>\Documents\Password Depot. It is the default working directory for databases created in Windows. 


3. Next, open Password Depot on your computer and create a new database (Database Manager -> New database). Enter a database name and create a strong master password.

4. Open the database which you just created and go to Tools -> Import. Search the export file from your Android device and import the data into the new database. 

Please note that due to the above mentioned new Android policies which do not support the direct access of Android's file system by external apps, there is no other way of transferring a database from the protected storage to the computer than the one mentioned in this article.


WARNING: Once you have finished, please make sure to delete the XML file on both your mobile device as well as your computer because it contains your data in unprotected form!

HINT: Instructions on how to procedd the other way around, that is, copy a database from your computer to the app's protected storage, can be found here:

How can I copy desktop databases to the protected storage?

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