How to search for weak passwords?
You can easily search for weak passwords by going to "Tools > Analyze". You can change weak passwords by selecting them, clicking to “Edit” and simply changing their password. - Be careful and do n...
How to import/export password entries?
To export your password entries, go to "Tools > Export", enter your master password, choose an export format, enter a file name under the target field area/click on “Browse…” to change location, cl...
How to print/export passwords to PDF?
To print/export your passwords to a PDF file, go to "Database > Print" (shortcut: Ctrl + P), enter your master password, navigate to the "Content" tab, which is located on the top left corner of th...
How do I change the default browser?
To change your default browser, go to "Edit > Options > Browser". On the top of the window you will see somewhere saying “Internet browsers: Default browser (F5)”. To change your default browser, c...
How do I change the authentication of my database?
To change the authentication of your database, go to Database > DB-Properties. There you will find under the "General" tab somewhere saying "Authentication: ". Click to the "Change" button, enter y...