The auto-complete feature does not work when using the browser add-on

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First of all, please make sure to install the latest add-on versions. If you haven't done so yet, you can install them any time later using the below URLs:

If you use the Internet Explorer, please reinstall Password Depot to automatically install the IE add-on. Make sure to select it in the installation setup. Furthermore, we recommend in general installing Password Depot "over" your existing installation one more time in order to make sure using the latest version (no data will be lost during this process).

If the problem can still be observed afterwards, please check whether auto-complete does not work on any website in general, whether problems occur during the process, or if specific pages are affected only.

Most commonly, the add-on does not work correctly due to the fact that you have not added a URL to the entry's properties. If no URL is stored here, the add-on will not work:


If you have added a URL and the problem exists, please check the instructions below which may help to solve the issue:


1. Auto fill does not work on ANY page

  • Make sure to use the latest version of Password Depot. If you are still working with an older version, we recommend upgrading to the current one. You can do so here.
  • Did you uninstall a previous version while already working with the current one? In this case, you probably also uninstalled the add-ons. We recommend reinstalling the current version. Please make sure to check add-on installation in the installation setup.
  • Make sure to use one of the following browsers: Internet Explorer (32 bit and 64 bit), Google Chrome (32 bit and 64 bit), Mozilla Firefox (32 bit and 64 bit), or Microsoft Edge. Other browsers, e.g. Safari, do not support the Password Depot extension currently. Therefore, auto-complete does not work with other browsers currently.

Note: If you use Mozilla Firefox, please make sure to activate the option "Run in private Windows" in the browser's menu under "Add-ons and Themes -> Password Depot Extension".

  • Is the Password Depot add-on activated in your browser? You can check that in your browser in the "Add-ons" section.
  • Is Password Depot currently running (not locked) on your computer in the background? The add-on only works if Password Depot is running in the background and if your database is decrypted and open.
  • Have you installed Password Depot on your local system/computer? The auto-complete feature using the browser add-on does not work if you run the program on a USB drive.
  • If you want your data to be entered on web forms by the add-on automatically, the feature has to be activated. To do so, go to Edit -> Options -> Browsers and check Auto-fill web forms using add-ons.
  • Is there an open dialog window in Password Depot (e.g., the "Options" dialog box)? Open Password Depot dialog windows block the application and thus, the add-on cannot run properly.
  • Make sure to add URLs in Password Depot in canonical form, e.g. URLs should start with http:// or https:// (e.g. "") instead of e.g. "" only.
  • Please also make sure not to store a website's default URL only, but also URL masks (to do so, open the entry's properties and go to -> URLs -> Associate the entry with following URLs and templates). For example, do not only store the default URL but also the URL masks ** or *myserver*.
  • Close Password Depot and rename the configuration file pwdepot.cfg (e.g. to 123pwdepot.cfg). You can find this file in the settings directory by clicking on Help -> Settings directory in the menu. After closing Password Depot and renaming the file restart the program and check if the problem is solved. If so, we kindly ask to send us the renamed configuration file by email (
  • Please go to Edit -> Options -> Browser and check the "WebSockets port". Which port do you see here? Afterwards, go back to your browser and click on the Password Depot add-on symbol on top on the right. Go to Settings. Which WebSockets port is selected here? Please make sure to use the same WebSockets port in both your Windows client and the browser itself. If the port numbers are different, choose one and afterwards, change the settings accordingly.
  • When using the Enterprise Server: Did the administrator enable the permissions of using the browser add-on in the Server Manager?

2. Auto fill works in general, but not on ONE/MORE website(s)

Note: The add-on cannot automatically access all web forms and fill in data. This may be caused by an incorrectly programmed form or it may occur due to the fact that auto-complete is intentionally suppressed by certain methods such as Javascript code etc.


TIP: The "Auto-complete (F6)" feature (lightning icon) does always work and can be used alternatively.


However, you can also check the following:

  • Has the website been added to the list of Ignored URLs/websites? You can check this by going to Database -> Database Properties (CTRL + i) -> General -> Edit URLs. If the website is listed here, please remove it from the list.
  • Does the browser add-on enter your data automatically? You can check this by selecting the entry in Password Depot, opening its properties and going to the "Additional" tab afterwards. Check if the option "Use entry with browser add-ons" is enabled. 
  • Change the auto-complete method: To do so, select the password entry in Password Depot, open its properties and go to the "Additional" tab. Change the auto-complete method and confirm with "OK". Test all existing methods.
  • Does the entry's URL contain a session ID? Session IDs are identification numbers assigned to internet users. Select the password entry in Password Depot, open its properties and go to the "URLs" tab. Check the Default URL box. The URL should not contain a session ID.
  • Enter your access data manually on the website and check if a Password Depot dialog window opens. Password Depot should ask you if you want to create a new password entry. If this is not the case, there is probably a problem with the website. However, if a Password Depot dialog box appears, you can create a new entry and delete the old one.

If this does not help, please send an email to including the URLs which do not work. We will then check them and, if necessary, update the add-on accordingly.

3. The Auto-complete feature does not work correctly or the auto-fill process is incomplete

If you can observe such problems, it may be due to changes on the relevant website. In such cases, you can do the following:

Right click on the entry in question and select Properties. Go to the "Additional" tab next, which includes a button called "Update web form data". Click the button and fill in the access data in the login boxes using Drag & Drop. Save changes afterwards. Next time you launch a website in your browser, the auto-complete feature should work and your data should be entered correctly.

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