Client Security Policies not being accepted by the client

If you are working with the Client Corporate Edition of Password Depot the server administrator, is able to adjust several settings in the Server Manager, which then will have an impact on the behavior of the clients directly. To adjust these settings, go to Manage -> Client Security Policies in the Server Manager.

When using the Client Corporate Edition, the security policies will be "loaded" from the server once a user has logged in to the Enterprise Server successfully for the first time.

If a user has not logged in to the server yet, certain program features are deactivated in the client by default (encryption of external files or printing of entries, for example). Only after logging in to the server for the first time will users receive the client security policies set in the Server Manager.

In the client, all client security policies are stored to the file 

C:\Users\<USER>\AppData\Roaming\AceBIT\Password Depot 15\Data\default.localpolicy 

You can delete this file. As soon as a user connects to the server next time, a new file will be created.

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