How to set up server mirroring

General information

Server mirroring is used in network management to create a replica of a server. This replica is continuously created on run time. With the server mirroring feature in Password Depot Enterprise Server, administrators can duplicate the entire content of their server on another remote or in-house server. This way, you can access your data in case the primary server fails. Through server mirroring in Password Depot Enterprise Server, you can synchronize and back up your data from the primary server to a backup server.

In case of a server failure, users can simply connect to the mirror server by entering its address in the following window: For instance:

IP address of the principal server:

IP address of the mirror server:


Notes and Requirements


  • Password Depot Enterprise Server (Server Manager) installed on two different Windows computers.

  • Static IPv4 address on both computers.

  • The Enterprise Server must be run as a Windows service.

  • The Log On account used for the service of the Enterprise Server PD_Service_17 (number coresponds to the version of the program) must have full read and write access to the program directory of the Server Manager.

  • Firewall rules allowing incoming and outgoing TCP/UDP connections over Port 25017 on both sides/computers.


  • Do not use this feature to migrate your data to a different computer. Server migrations must be performed as described here: [link]

How to set up mirroring

Step 1: Create firewall rules and allow incoming and outgoing TCP/UDP connections over port 25017 (25017 is the default port for Version 17) on both computers.

Step 2: Open the Server Manager on both computers, and connect to both sides with the default admin user.

Step 3: Make sure that the password of the default admin user is the same on both sides/computers.

Step 4: On computer A (your main/principal server), click on Manage -> Server mirroring.

Step 5: Select the server role Principal.

Step 6: Enter the IPv4 address (not the domain) and port of your main/principal server.

Step 7: Enter the IPv4 address (not the domain) and port of your mirror server.

Step 8: Click on OK.

Step 9: On computer B (the one that will act as a mirror server), click on Manage -> Server mirroring.

Step 10: Select the server role Mirror.

Step 11: Enter the IPv4 address (not the domain) and port of your main/principal server.

Step 12: Enter the IPv4 address (not the domain) and port of your mirror server.

Step 13: Click on OK.

Step 14: Restart the PD_Service_17 service on both computers and connect to the Server Manager with the same user as in step 2.

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