How to migrate from a previous version to Password Depot Enterprise Server 12

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Note: This article should be used for reference purposes only. If you want to migrate the Enterprise Server, we recommend following the steps provided in our article How to migrate from a previous version to Password Depot Enterprise Server 15? even if you are upgrading from an older version.

The migration from an older Enterprise Server version to version 12 is quite simple and can be executed in a few minutes.

Warning: Please follow the steps below carefully in order to upgrade your Enterprise Server to the latest version 12 correctly and avoid possible errors:

  1. Install version 12 of the Enterprise Server.

  2. Start the Server Manager version 12, login with the username "admin" and the password "admin" and set up the same administrator password of the previous version (on the left go to the "user" area, right-click on the "admin" user and go to "Properties").

  3. Stop both the server of version 12 and the server of the previous version (please stop the services, not the Server Manager only!).


  4. Copy all Databases from the directory \Passwords of the previous version, into the directory \Data\DB of version 12 (by default "C:\Program Files (x86)\AceBIT\Password Depot Server 12\Data\DB").The databases are automatically converted from the .psw (or .psw7 etc.) format to the new .pswe format when used by the Enterprise Server.

  5. Copy the file pwd_svr.cfg from the program directory of the previous version into the directory \Data of version 12 (by default C:\Program Files (x86)\AceBIT\Password Depot Server 12\Data) to transfer the users and settings.

  6. Do NOT copy the file pdserver.ini into the new directory. If you have done this by mistake, edit this file and adjust the paths and port.

  7. Start the server of version 12. If you now log on to the Server Manager, you may have to wait a few minutes until it is available, because conversions are performed once in the background.

Note on connecting clients: The default port in version 12 is 25012.

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