How do I synchronize two databases?

Synchronization of databases can be used to update two databases containing different entries.

To do so, please proceed as follows:

1. Make sure that one of the databases to be synchronized is open in Password Depot.

2. Launch the synchronization wizard by going to Tools > Synchronize databases.

3. Search for the second database in the Database Manager and open it. Please authenticate accordingly.

4. In the Synchronize Passwords window, you will see two lists including all entries of both databases. In the Action column, you can double-click on any entry to select a corresponding action (Add / Delete).

5. Once you have finished setting the actions individually, click Synchronize and the selected actions will be performed.


Note: You can also synchronize a server database with a local database or a database stored to a USB drive with a local database etc. When working with a server database, please note that the right "Synchronize database" has to be enabled in the Server Manager. Thus, if you cannot see this option in the client or if it cannot be selected, the right has probably been disabled in the Server Manager. In this case, the synchronization of two databases is not possible at all.

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