Translating Password Depot into other languages

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You can translate Password Depot into any other language and use it with your own translation afterwards.

Before you start working, please check whether a translation for your language is already available as language package.

Creating a Language Package

Below, you will find a short description of how to proceed if you want to create a new language package.:

1) Download and install the program SIL Editor (the software is for free). 

2) Download the language package.

This file contains the current translations into German, English, French and Spanish. With version 16, Dutch was introduced as another default language.

3) Extract the .sib files to the Password Depot program directory (by default this is C:\Program Files\AceBIT\Password Depot 17, in older versions it is C:\Program Files (x86)\AceBIT\Password Depot 12, for example).

4) Load the .sib file in the SIL Editor and create a new column via Tools -> Add in order to add a new language:


5) Save the .sib files and launch Password Depot. Now, go to Options -> General and you will find your new language in the drop-down menu “Language”. 

6) If you permit using your translation on our website, please send us a written confirmation by email. We will, of course, mention you as the translator and your website and, furthermore, provide a lifetime license of Password Depot for your own use free of charge.

General Tips for Translation:

Please take into consideration the following aspects:

Translating the “%” symbol: The symbol "%" is usually not used for displaying the percent sign but moreover for special formatting purposes. Therefore, all words beginning with "%" must be repeated in your translation EXACTLY as they are mentioned in the source text. 


  • English: Connected to %s as %s
    German: Verbunden mit %s als %s 
    French: Connecté à %s comme %s


  • English: %.2fKB (%d bytes) 
    German: %.2fKB (%d Bytes)
    French: %.2fKo (%d octets)

Never translate CharSets, Collections, DisplayLabels, Fonts and Other.  Only if you know exactly what you do, it makes sense to edit Fonts and Charsets.


Translating multi-lines: When translating multi-lines, double-click on the untranslated cell to open the Multi-Line Editor. Please note that the number of lines in the translated cell must be exactly the same as it is in the original.

String Lengths: The same strings in different languages may have very different lengths. For example, some phrases translated from English into French may become two times longer. Sometimes this cannot be avoided, but, whenever possible, please try to make translations not too much longer than the original phrases as it may negatively affect the user interface.

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