Why does the Windows client not connect to the Enterprise Server?

Currently, it is required that both Windows Client and Enterprise Server use the same major version number in order to successfully establish a connection between our Windows Client and Enterprise Server.

This means that you cannot connect to a server of version 16 using a Windows client of version 15 and vice versa.

Please also note that we introduced an upgraded transfer protocol with no backward compatibility in version 15.2 . This means that the update to version 15.2. or higher is obligatory for all Password Depot clients (the mobile editions included) as well as the Server Manager. In this case, it is also not possible, due to the above mentioned changes, to connect the Enterprise Server 15.2.1 to the client of version 15.1.7 and vice versa. If you do so and enter your credentials, the client will try to establish a connection afterwards but the attempt will fail so that you will only see the sign-in window. If you are confronted with this issue in version 15, please make sure to update ALL editions (at least the ones you work with) to version 15.2. You can download this version using the link below:

Password Depot Previous Versions

More articles dealing with connection problems can be found here:

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